
Below you will find references to some companies we have partnered with or worked with and will recommend in the future.

Texas Oven Company
Texas Oven Company specializes in wood-fired pizza ovens. That’s our business. We build the Texas Oven™, a hand-crafted firebrick pizza oven, and we sell and install the complete line of Forno Bravo pizza ovens.

Forno Bravo
If you have done any research on wood-fired pizza ovens, more than likely you've came across Forno Bravo. Forno Bravo is a leader in both wood and gas-fired prefabricated modular pizza ovens for pizzerias, restaurants and homeowners. In addition to information on their products, their website provides a wealth of information on pizza oven theory and wood-fired cooking, including recipes. Wood Fired Outdoor Kitchens is an authorized dealer of Forno Bravo ovens.

Anthony's Patio
Anthony's not only has the most unique outdoor furniture in central Texas, Anthony Muscariello, the proprietor, is available to assist in designing unique outdoor kitchens and fire pits for his clients. We encourage you to visit Anthony at 5th and Baylor in the Whit Hanks plaza.

Rumford Fireplaces
The Buckley Rumford Company provides a wealth of information from pictures to technical details on Rumford Fireplaces. The Rumford fireplace is named after its creator, Sir Benjamin Thompson, or "Count Rumford". The Rumford fireplace is known for its energy efficiency. It's a tall, shallow fireplace with a streamlined throat to carry away the smoke with little loss of heated room air.

Jennifer Orr Landscape Design
If you are like us and love your outdoor time, whether it be grilling or using your wood-fired oven, you most likely love nature and your landscape as well. If so, we recommend you jump over and take a look at Jennifer Orr's landscape design portfolio to see some beautiful plant and site designs and how Jennifer Orr will work with you. Jennifer Orr Landscape Design promotes sustainability and longevity of your beautifully sculpted future landscape.

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